We welcome new patients

Accepting new registrations at:

Registrations are open for people who:
Do not have a GP in Wellington and comply with our Enrolment Criteria
Spouse/partner who doesn’t have a GP in Wellington
Children who don’t have a GP in Wellington

Enrolment Criteria:
If you live in the Wellington Southern and Eastern suburbs and are a New Zealand resident and you are either;

  • A Community Services Card holder OR
  • A card holding union member

Please ask a receptionist if you are unsure. If you move out of the area, you will be encouraged to find a doctor closer to where you live.


Download Enrolment Form for your chosen location.

Check that you have filled in all of the information required.

Provide photo ID
The Ministry of Health requires us to verify your identity.
You will need to bring one or more of the following along with your completed form to Reception:
• New Zealand passport
• Foreign passport
• New Zealand birth certificate 
• Proof of citizenship, permanent residence, or work permit

14 Hall Avenue
Wellington 6021

412 Broadway
Wellington 6022

Massey University
Wallace Street
Mount Cook
Wellington 6021